Pistachio Crusted Shrimp with Li Hing Sauce


I made these about a month ago, around the same time I moved back to the countryside… Unfortunately, I lost the recipe for it! I will definitely make these again, once I get my hands on some pistachios. Until then, here’s some food porn for ya’ll.


If you guys aren’t aware, li hing mui is very popular here in Hawaii. It’s a salty dried plum that is incredibly addicting.



Nutella Pistachio Brownie Bites

Aside from cooking savory foods, I also love love love to bake! Baking is a great stress reliever and it definitely helps me to get my mind off of things. Something about crushing garlic, melting chocolate, kneading dough, or sautéing vegetables allows me to go into a state of meditation and have that anxiety just melt away (like the chocolate). Today was one of those days that I just needed to relieve stress. So I experimented a bit and made, as the title suggests, something with Nutella.


I actually had half of the work load done for me, since Nutella is soooo decadent in and of itself! So if you’re a pistachio lover, you may like this recipe for the texture and that small hint of pistachio flavor, but the chocolate-hazelnut deliciousness practically overpowers everything, which I’m not complaining about!


Note: I think half of the fun in making these cooking blogs is the photoshoot I do along the way. Here are some of the good ones!



^ This was the hardest part for me; Made me realize that I need to invest in an ice cream scoop.



1/4 cup butter (if unsalted, add a pinch of salt)

1/4 cup white, granulated sugar

3/4 cup Nutella

2 medium eggs

5 tbsp. All-purpose flour

1 cup ground pistachios

(Recipe yields about 9-10 brownies)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a 12 servings-cupcake tin with liner and set aside.

2. Grind 1 cup of pistachios in a food processor or a blender until they are well-ground (grind, grinded?) Be careful not to over blend though. Set aside.

3. Cream butter and sugar together in a bowl with a whisk or a hand-held mixer.

4. Add the eggs and continue mixing until well combined.

5. Add Nutella and continue to mix. This is the part where you switch to a spatula!

6. Sift flour (or not) into the mixture and fold with the spatula. Add the pistachios that you have set aside and fold into the batter.

7. Spoon the batter (or use an ice cream scoop) into the liners. Fill about 1/2 – 3/4 of the way. This recipe should yield about 9 brownie cakes. Bake for 15 minutes. No longer! The top should be semi-dry, and when you do the toothpick trick, well– it won’t really work because the inside will be gooey. Just a disclaimer. 🙂

8. Eat that sucker!

If you’re wondering where the baking soda or baking powder is, well I didn’t have any when I made these, and they turned out perfectly fine! I was actually surprised that they turned out the way they did (very moist on the outside, and gooey in the middle) considering the minimal ingredients. Then again, I am a college-student. No need/time to get fancy-schmancy with things. Hope you guys give it a try!


Happy eating!