Hawaiian Garlic Butter Shrimp Recipe


Wow! I haven’t been on this site in over 4 years! The feeling of nostalgia is definitely kicking in as I read my old posts and recipes. I even smiled reading my bio because it’s been a long time since and so many things have changed. I was surprised I even remembered my password logging on here, ha!

What’s new? I’ve recently started a Youtube cooking channel as a hobby and I wanted to link it back to this website, where you could say it all began. I will post the full recipes to my videos on here.  I’ve only made one so far, and  as the title suggests– Easy HAWAIIAN GARLIC BUTTER SHRIMP is definitely worth a try.

If you’re from Hawaii, you’ll know how long the lines get at Giovanni’s and Romy’s for them garlic shrimp. It’s one of those dishes that I honestly crave every month so I decided to try and create my version of it, which I will share below!



  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1 lb.  shrimp, cleaned and deveined. Head-on fresh shrimp will work as well.
  • 6 large garlic cloves, minced.
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1 lemon (juice)
  • 1/2 cup shrimp stock (from boiled shrimp heads) or opt. chicken stock/ splash of white wine. 
  • Garlic salt, pepper to taste

Optional: chili pepper flakes, chopped parsley for garnish



  1. Wash shrimp with cold water thoroughly, clean, and devein. Remove the shrimp head by twisting at the base and then set aside in a sauce pan. With scissors, cut along the spine and remove intestinal tract with a toothpick or your fingers.
  2. Boil shrimp heads with 3/4 cups of water on high heat until liquid is reduced by half. Skip steps 1 & 2 if the shrimp is already de-shelled and cleaned.
  3. Heat pan to medium and saute olive oil and garlic until fragrant and slightly golden. Add butter next.
  4. Add the shrimp, garlic salt, pepper, paprika. Reduce heat to low so that shrimp will not overcook.
  5. Pour reduced shrimp stock and mix together. You may have to remove the shrimp if the sauce is not to desired consistency because shrimp cooks quickly.
  6. Let the sauce thicken and reduce, add lemon and salt to taste. Transfer the shrimp back to the pan, coat, and serve.


*If you did not use shrimp heads to make stock, a splash of white wine or chicken stock can be substituted.

That’s it! What I love about cooking using this method is that the garlic really cooks down, caramelizes, and almost becomes the sauce. That, mixed with butter is truly so delicious!

**In the video, I added chopped chili peppers and it was so spicy! ABORT ABORT on the chili! If you like it spicy, add some sriracha instead! 🙂

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